Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Let me just start with AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! There, I feel a little better, but I'm gonna keep going. Sometimes I just don't understand men at all. When it comes to finances, taking care of business getting all those little things done that are really just technicalities, I'm good at it. I've learned to have to do it all by myself for the last 10 years, despite being married most of that time. One husband was too lazy to do it himself, and the other was just gone working all the time, so it was left to me. My boyfriend has decided to take the hardest road possible in getting his new car licensed when I know exactly what needs to be done, and I can show him how to do it so he knows from now on. I don't plan on doing it for him, but I don't mind to help. He tells me instead, it's ok, I dont' want you doing it all for me, I want to do it alone. So instead he's going to get his mom to do certain portions of it, and his Aunt to do the others. He doesn't have a clue which documents he needs, how to fill them out or anything. My point being, he's NOT doing it alone! He's still getting help from someone else, just not me! If I were to do it, at least I would be teaching him instead of doing it for him like they all have for years. So he's going to get the same result, but after alot more work, driving, time and OTHER people going out of their way to help him. I just don't understand at all and it's soooo frustrating! On top of that, my ex-husband is doing the same damn thing to me! We had a problem with our child support case a couple months ago and I have been patiently waiting for him to get it resolved. He keeps coming up with different things that different people are telling him when he suupposedly calls. So, finally I called myself. I was given a very easy option for him and myself too, since we always get along and work things out. I called to tell him this and his response was, well I'll call them next week and talk to them about it because they told me not to do that. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's easy dumbass! Just gimme the money, and I go sign an affadavit saying you did! Easy as that! I don't understand where the problem is. Instead, it sounds like he would rather send it in to the state, and risk that the payment gets split up again between myself and his other children's mom, and it's not even her money! That's where this whole thing started to begin with so why would you wanna do that again? I don't understand, that's all I can think of and I know I keep saying it, but it just doesn't make sense. Any of it. Do all men just think that we're retarded and don't know how to take care of business? I mean it's because of him that I had to learn how to do all this crap in the first place, I was dealing with his child support problems with his ex FOR him when we were married! You'd think I'd know a little bit about it. I could sit here all day and give all the tiny details, but that would be too long. I just wanted to vent, and I'm not really sure that I feel any better, but what the hey, it was worth a try.