Monday, April 13, 2009

Old Souls

I know alot of people don't think this kind of thing is true, but I've seen too many things that just convince me of reincarnation. Some people may tell you that a dog's nature for instance, is in his blood and you can't change the demeanor they are meant to have. I completely disagree. First of all, if you're going to put a technical aspect on it like that, it would be more to the effect of depending on how the animal is raised, how much love, appreciation and attention they are given. You teach a dog to bite it will bite, but until that day, I really don't think it's just in their DNA to do so. Did you know that the highest number of dog bites reported every year are from Cocker Spaniel's? Yup, that's right, cute, short curly haired cocker's. So maybe it does have a little to do with it, but I happen to think the reason for that is that cocker's are very loyal, protective dogs and love their owner's to death. Therefore, they probably bite more to protect them. I have a dog (Sadie) that is only a year old, and acts much older than her age. She is smart, calm (most of the time), loyal, and just amazing all around. When I look in her eyes, it's like I can see a person in there. She has her very own personality and will definitely let you know what she wants specifically, even talking to me in a way with a few low grumbles. I see an old person in her, like she's seen more in this world than I have. A good comparison to this is my brother's tiny little ankle biting thing (Athena). I can't even rember what breed at the moment. Anyway, for the longest time I just got nothing but annoyed with this dog because she's constantly hyper, seems to have no personality, and is always in my face, even though she knows I don't like her. I realized one day that if my dog can be an obedient, relaxed loving dog, much like an older person; then Athena must be a little kid in a dog's body! That's why she's hyper, always wants my attention even when I don't wanna give it, and really has no personality yet other than chewing on her squeak toy. It's because if she really is a child reincarnated, then all of those things fit. So, now we have a certain connection and believe it or not, she acts completely different around me. She stopped jumping up in my face, and instead comes to cuddle. She doesn't jump around all over the place or yip yap like crazy either. It's like she now knows I've realized I'm the parent and she's the kid, and she'd better behave. My boyfriend has two cats (Phoenix and Gizmo) and they are the same way. They're not your typical lazy, grumpy cats that hide all the time, but instead they are very smart and love attention. They talk to him and play games, yes I said play games. I'm talking about a cat that will fetch a hair tie when you throw it or nerf darts when you shoot them down the hallway. Not just going and finding them and then sit to play, but retrieve them like a dog and bring them back to be thrown again! I've never seen anything like it. I really do believe in this, and if you're skeptical, just think about it and maybe pay attention the next time you have a chance. Look at your pet, and think about their demeanor compared to another animal.


lilcountrymom said...

Kaly, You need to see the movie, Fluke. It's awesome. It follows along the same path as you just described and I have to sort of believe the same thing, too.