Sunday, March 29, 2009

Recession or Game Night?

I don't pay much attention to politics or the economy really, except for what directly affects me. I know that in the long run it all affects me in some way or another, but I just try to concentrate on keeping my family going so the only things I really notice are gas prices and food prices. If I had stocks and savings and 401K and lots of investments, I know it would affect me more, but for now, it doesn't. I watched a show the other day about the economy and frankly, it's all Chinese to me, I don't understand a bit of it. My life seems to be the best it's ever been at the moment, even when money is short, because it seems money is always short, no matter how much you're making. The one thing I did hear that made sense to me, and that has even applied to my family was sales. They said one of the only things that has risen in gross sales lately is home entertainment. Renting movies, buying home game systems, things like that. When you consider the price you pay to get started for instance, in a gaming console like Wii or XBox, it's a little pricey. In the long run however, do the math at how many hours of entertainment you get out of that and it's a very cheap "per hour" rate. Now think about what you spend to go to the movie theater for two hours and it's much more expensive. For the first time in my life, I recently bought my own Wii, in order to spend more time with my kids, and stay at home more. There are alot of educational games to play, and a great learning tool, that's fun and keeps you fit too. What better entertainment can you ask for? Plus, many of these consoles double or triple as other investments too. They can act as a dvd player, music player, or computer; so you're really not only getting a game system, but many other things as well. So put all that together, and it doesn't sound so shabby, or lazy, or expensive at all. If you ask me the one good thing out of this recession is that many family's are being forced to spend more time at home together getting some quality time, and probably don't even realize what a blessing that is. They're just thinking that they hate the government and worried about what the country as a whole is going to do. I prefer to think about what my family is going to do together the next day, and focus on the happy things. After all, everything happens for a reason, and maybe one reason is that someone has a higher plan for Americans to go back to their roots and remember how much love there still is in the world. Love can be one of the greatest powers there is, and together, we can achieve anything. After all, pioneers survived without TV, cars, phones, computers, grocery stores, gas stations, blah blah get what I mean.


Anonymous said...

The Wii has been a temptation for us - but so much tv time...~Ms. A