Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Devil's Triangle

Over my years of living there are a few timeless classic stories that I have fallen in love with. One of my favorites has been the Bermuda Triangle. I think the mystery of this is what entrigues me and keeps me thinking about it occasionally. I find myself watching any program I happen to come across that has to do with it, hoping that they have finally found some concrete answer or explanation to it's existance and what is happening there. As of yet, this is not the case. The fact that we have so much technology and science in our world and are still unable to solve this case keeps me wondering. Part of me says there has to be a reason and some kind of "show me" explanation, but if that were the case, wouldn't they have figured it out by now? I personally am beginning to think it's a little of both science and supernatural that are at work there. Stories of time travel and going into another dimension have occurred as well as plane or boat instruments going haywire, as if the magnetic polarity is at play, which would be the scientific explanation. In an area like this, it would be easy to see how pilots and captains would get confused and just simply lose their bearings. There's also a possibility of rogue waves, which are 5 times the size of a regular wave and can take out a boat in an instant, even reaching so high as to rip a plane from the sky. These waves then suddenly disappear in an instant, leaving no trace behind. For me, there have just been too many unexplained disappearances to completely say that there's just a fact out there somewhere that tells us why. There has to be a little bit of supernatual forces at work as well. The combination of both would definitely be deadly. Even the lucky ones who make it out alive, are still not completely sure of themselves and have a hard time telling their story plainly. So if this is an area of our earth that has some sinister intent, why is it there, and who created it? A part of me hopes it is never solved, because that's part of it's beauty is that there's something out there we, as almighty humans do not understand. We should just respect it's power and steer clear if you ask me. Even Christopher Columbus mentioned this area in his notes, so it's an age old story that people did not realize until a group of 5 planes disappeared an made it more profound and known. Maybe there is a king of the ocean and he is creating a huge whirlpool to drown boats in revenge for us taking over his sea. Who knows, but I still love the story, tragic as it is, and it keeps me interested.