Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How I Spell Relief

So have you ever had one of those things hanging over your head for months on end? Something you have thought about every day that will make a huge impact on your life? Well, I've had one of those ever since I decided to enroll here at OTC. If you've read any of my previous blogs, you know that I made a hurried decision back in December to up and quit my job, move, and start a new beginning and new direction in my life. I didn't really know what that direction was, just that I needed to be doing something else and improve my life. I needed to be finding something that would make me stable and secure, not only for myself, but that would be long-lasting and support my children too. Therefore, when I enrolled in a hurry, just 3 weeks before the deadline, I picked the first thing that jumped out at me, and almost out of habit, since I had been in the healthcare field for so long. I chose Physical Therapy Assistant as my major just to get in and wasn't quite sure it would last. I've had reservations about what the classes were going to consist of and if I would be able to handle them. Physical Therapy is something I've always been interested in because I am so active and athletic myself. The thought of helping people to be physical again after an injury appealed to me. Other things that didn't appeal to me about it were: working under someone else's rule (yet again), following their outlines of what needs to be done with patients, set schedule each day makes family life hard as a single mom, politics of healthcare institutions sometimes are not for the better of patients. So I have doubted these things for a while. I decided to give it a go anyway, as my philosophy is " You never know til you try". Well, I'm halfway through my first semester and failing my Anatomy and Physiology class, which is the only one I'm taking at the moment that I will need for that degree. I blogged before about thinking of changing my major, and I'm proud to say that as of ten minutes ago I did it. I changed to Early Childhood Development. The pro's of this are complete opposites of the con's I mentioned before with being a PTA. I can set my own hours, own a business, no politics to deal with but the ones I create, and the money is still good. I still get to care for people the way I love to do and feel a need inside me that it's what I'm meant to do, it's just that it's a more fun, positive, enriching, growing type of environment. I can apply what I learn in class to my every day life, and improve my own relationship with my children as well. Not that we have a bad one, but hey, you can never learn enough about being a parent and caregiver to children. They deal with alot more things in life these days at much earlier ages than what I or my parents ever did as kids. It's good to keep up with what's going on and learn new way to handle those things. If there's one career that never ends, it's being a parent.