Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Guiding Light

It's a crazy world out there, and emotions are running high! However one of those emotions is the love I am beginning to feel for finding faith and God in my life. Reading back over my previous post, I understand now, that He was talking to me, saying it's not right, and I knew it. I decided to make a move that was very hard by letting go of the possibility at a relationship with this friend, which actually enlightened me in ways you would not believe! He then, of course is now begging for my attention, but I keep explaining to him that it's wrong and he needs to live his life and then let God handle the rest. In the process of finding this faith and allowing myself to love Him, I am meeting people that make me feel amazing about myself and that all the wrongs I have done will be forgiven. To have this sense of fulfillment has been the missing link in my life. I was always scared to being attending church for the thought of being judged by others for all my misdoings and the possibility of being struck by lightning as I walked through the doors. I know now that isn't true, and that there are so many people out there filled with the same purest type of love that I should have in my life. I can't wait to travel the journey He will take me on and continue to learn and get to know Him better. Even though I know it hurts someone else, I know in the long run, it is also best for him, and that one day, he will understand.


lilcountrymom said...

That's so awesome Kim! Remember, He will never put more on you than you can handle. I had those same feelings about walking into the doors at church too BUT you know what? It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It's whether you and Him have things right with one another.

Anonymous said...

Kim - It has been a difficult semester for you. Use summer to heal and to refresh! I am thinking of you.