Sunday, March 8, 2009

In Class Writing, 20 "What If" statements

Got a lot to do today, for one thing, I’m retyping this
freewriting, because it apparently didn’t save.
Gotta do lots of technical stuff, Circuit Clerk for child support,
family services for food stamps, have dinner with my boyfriend, drop my kids
off to their dad. But then I get to
enjoy the weekend!

My screen is really dirty and Bailey says not to use any
glass cleaner, so I guess I gotta get a soft cloth…enjoyed my week at home with
the kids, but ready for a break from them for sure!

20 “What if” statements….

..1. What if this doesn’t save again?

..2. What if I don’t pass my quiz in algebra?

..3. What if I decide to go out tonite after dinner?

..4. What if I don’t get everything done today?

..5. What if Sydney is sick when I pick her up?

..6. What if my brother doesn’t like Sonny tomorrow?

..7. What if my car decides to overheat again!?

..8. What if I find something I don’t like about Sonny?
Doesn’t matter, I love him!

..9. What if he wants to get married?

..10. What if I don’t pass Anatomy and Physiology?

..11. What if I take too many classes in the summer?

..12. .What if I do all of this and it doesn’t pan out in the end?

..13. What if I find something else I wanna do after starting classes for something else?

..14. What if my kids don’t understand having someone in my life?

..15. What if I can’t quit smoking?

..16. What if I can’t live on student loans and child support? How will I have time for work?

..17. What if the repair man didn’t fix my fridge? Will my food be spoiled when I get there?

..18. What if my cat can’t handle being outside because he’s too old?

..19. What if I’m not doing this assignment right?

..20. What if Sonny’s family doesn’t like me?