Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cocaine Peppers

So, apparently our drug force has gotten strong enough that dealers are becoming very creative in their ways of smuggling drugs into the country. Today in Queens, NY some shoppers picked up some Bell peppers from a local grocery store, and when they cut into them, they found baggies of cocaine hidden inside. The thing I find myself asking is how did it come to this that the addiction and market for drugs in our country has become so large, that we have resorted to stuffing it inside food? The only good point of this is that at least they're not just walking across the border with it anymore and are having to go to extra lengths to get it here. This alone
could possibly help slow the business down I suppose. It scares me to think that there could come a day in the not so far future that my children are going to be presented with these things and if it can happen so simply as running across it in a common vegetable, how can I stop it? I guess I can't and it will inevitably be something they deal with. In the meantime, I just hope I can instill in them the importance of how dangerous it really is. I myself have had run in's and personal experiences with watching people I love fall prey to various addictions and it seemed no matter what I did, it wasn't enough to keep them from needing it. I watched my brother deal with it for years with his wife and it finally came close enough to tearing apart their whole family that she seeked the help she needed. As it turned out, it wasn't really an addiction at all, but rather a disorder that is now being treated and she no longer feels the need for the pills she once thought she had to have. In his case, at least the issue was resolved, but what about the people out there who don't have someone to help them through it and are just running the streets high on various things, and lashing out at innocent people. mugging, raping, many things can happen when you're not in your own brain, when it could, after all, be something that could be fixed. I will always be there for my children the best I can and hope that they don't have to witness some of the things I have had to. I also hope that if they do, they will be strong enough to know how to handle it.