I have decided today, even after having a wonderfully stimulating A&P class, that I will be changing my major next semester. I originally started out going for Physical Therapy Assistant, but I am finding that my lack of success in Anatomy is telling me something. I'm doing all the work, the studying and the notes. For some reason or another, however I seem to still fail at the exams. It's not your classic test anxiety, because I have always been good at tests. It's just the plain old simple fact that I'm not interested in it and my poor little overloaded brain is not absorbing the information due to this. This being the main problem, add tricky wording, confusing and out of order notes given in lecture, and pure frustration, it equals failure. Which is ok I guess, I'd rather find out now in my first semester and only waste my time on one class I didn't need, rather than stressing myself out and continuing with 2 more years of wasted time and money. I knew there were a couple of things I would be interested in when I enrolled, and chose to try this one first because of the possibility for financial security I suppose. My other and really, first choice, was to be in childcare or teaching somehow. So, I have decided to change to Early Childhood Development. I can obviously relate to it better, seeing as how I am already a mother, and it will give me the opportunity one day to open my own center or preschool and be my own boss. I like the sounds of that much better:) I think I'll like the psychology of it much better and I can apply what I learn every day at home for practice, what better homework than to come home and do it with your children? This also still gives the financial stability, possibly to a very high level, depending on how far I wanted to go with it. Even though I am technically a failure at one thing, I'm succeeding in finding out what's true to my heart and will make me happy for a lifetime.
Deuces (Explicit Version)
13 years ago
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