Monday, April 13, 2009

ICW, What are You Passionate About?

I am passionate about my life. By "life" I mean my children and immediate family. There are alot of things from my childhood I am still dealing with as an adult, and I always swore to myself that I would try to fix those things I was unhappy with when I had children. These things may not mean much to someone else, or seem silly to another parent, maybe even lax, but they were important to me then and I'm just going to assume they will be important to my kids too. I love children, and always have which is why I finally decided to change my major to early childhood development. There are certain things that no college can teach you, but it certianly can't hurt having a little bit of science behind the thinking and teaching of children. If there's one thing I can do different to help a kid that I didn't think of before, I hope I learn it here. I can't wait for next semester to really start getting into the classes that pertain to that field, since right now, I'm only getting my prerequisites out of the way. I do like however, that they are getting my brain "warmed up" for the real stuff. Since I've been out of school for so long, I think I kinda got in a funk and went on auto-pilot for many years. It feels good to get away from my everyday life, come to school, and learn something new. Sometimes even just getting another point of view from different people than what I'm used to hearing, or even a subject brought up that I probably wouldn't have caught myself thinking about before. I feel like all of these things combined are making me a happier, more intelligent, and satisfied person and in return that will show to my kids and family. So maybe if it rubs off on just one other person, it will slowly start to infect us all. So, in short, What am I passionate about? My family, friends, learning, and self-improvement.