It's funny how life works out. We get involved and sometimes think that alot of people just don't have the time to put the effort in that it takes to keep a friendship. You may begin to think, well that's ok, we all change and for the most part we make alot of friends, but eventually move on. Over the last few months, I had begun to notice that I didn't hear from alot of my friends quite as much anymore. I completely understand, as we all have lives to live and mine especially is pretty different from theirs. Most of them don't have kids like I do, so I rarely have the chance to make time to see them, and I live so far out of Springfield, that it takes alot of planning for them to come here. It's understandable, and that's the way most of my friendships go, around for a while, gone for a while, and only one or two that make the cut for good. However, I would like to happily say, that I have been proven slightly wrong recently. In my time of need, they are there. Suddenly reappearing and trying to help keep my spirits up. Here I was, thinking I was all alone in the world, short of my family and kids, and they were paying more attention than I knew. I don't know what I would do without any of them, and the gratitude I have will last forever. I love them all, and every person who has been in my life, even if they're not still around. We all need friends like that, and I'm ecstatic that I do.
Deuces (Explicit Version)
13 years ago
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