Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Time, Another Place

I remember a few times the question coming up in different types of situations, and I never really had a good answer until tonite. I found myself watching a show called "Who was Jesus" on the Discovery Channel, and caught myself saying in my head, "If I could live in any other time, it would be then." Then I REALLY started thinking about it and what it would've been like, and the questions I could have answered. The only catch is that if I did have a chance to live in another time period, I would want to keep the knowledge I have now, from our time. If I went back and lived then without that knowledge, I would be no different from anyone else, and wouldn't have any questions to ask or mysteries to solve. One option they are giving in this show is actually just what I have always suspected; that Jesus was a great man, yes, but a MAN nonetheless. In a time without medicine or science, people clung to whatever they could, including "miracle workers" to give them hope. Jesus was not the only miracle worker of the time, just the most popular. I'm not saying that I don't believe those miracles happened, because I see and hear things everyday that just make you stop and go..huh that's crazy. I've just always questioned his "divinity". I know most people reading this are probably going to get upset, and I understand that, but I don't get upset at the fact that you believe, so I ask that you don't get upset at me for not. It doesn't make me a bad person, and I understand that people need something to give them hope, but I'm more of a scientific person who would rather see the facts and understand COMPLETELY without a doubt where something came from and how it came to be. I guess I'm and evolutionist because it just makes sense, there's no loopholes or missing pieces (or at least alot fewer). I would love to be IN that time and see it for myself, maybe discover things that I know would go missing years later, but supposedly exist, such as the Ark of the Covenant, Moses' boat, you get my drift. Anyway, that's my answer...if I could live in another time, it would be in the days of Jesus. How about you?