Friday, March 27, 2009


I have always been a big fan of vampires, why I don't know. I have read most of Anne Rice's books, and seen a lot of movies. Many of which I think dont do vampires any justice. They get overly silly with it and only show the mean side of things, when in the true history of a vampire they have a very passionate drive about them. Filled with more love sometimes than you would think, or even be able to fathom, because when they think of love, they know it's for eternity, not just a lifetime. I know, I'm talking like they are real, and trust me I know they do not exist, at least not in the way we know them. There may be people out there drinking blood for the joy of it, but in truth they are of course not immortal and can be killed just like any of the rest of us. However, if we are going to have a mystical creature with so many details, why not portray them correctly? I watched this new movie Twilight last night, that so many people are raving about. I was sketchy of course, because for me, I would much rather read a book, as the movies usually end up cheesy. I did end up liking it though, I wouldn't die to watch it again, like so many people are doing, but I did like the take they did on it. It was really different in the fact that they pretty much made them vegetarians so to speak, much like Louis in Interview with the Vampire, but that they were also willing to accept a human into their family and hold back their natural instincts. The boy fell deeply in love with her and is forced to restrain himself on many counts as a normal relationship would go. Very little kissing, touching, and of course, no sex at all. These things would only make his vampire side too much to resist. So the fact remains, that he still loved her, even with all those physical things held to a minimum, or not at all. That's how true love should be. I know that intimacy is just a natural part of human emotion and it's one way we express our love. But it can also be an animal side of human's that have nothing at all to do with love, but instead it is used for power, money, control, or just to satisfy one person's need. I did like the movie, and I'm guessing there will be a second, judging by the way it ended. I look forward to it because I can see that this story would be one where it would have to be told in many parts, you can't get it all into one movie. I like stories like that, and is probably one reason I read alot of books that are in triologies, or more even. Take a couple hours and watch it, vampire lover or not.