This is an older blog I found from back in December, but I thought it would go nicely with what this assignment require, plus make up for being blank I'll post another later today for today's blog. LOL
Wow, ok so if y'all know me you know my life is typically kinda like a tornado, whisking me up in it and then dropping me back to earth, (and not very gently), but recently I have decided to make some big changes in my life. I sat down one night and said, look...look at the things that are upsetting you, or making you sad, or just plain stressing you out and GET RID OF THEM! Of course there's the normal things of everyday (mostly they're amazing btw) those things you can't really change. But I had alot of outside factors I was choosing to keep in my life when I realized I had the choice to let them go and start over with new things that would make me happy. Well I did all that, which included letting some people go, and hurting a couple in the process, which was one of the hardest things for me to do, it also included quitting my job, spur of the moment, which forced me as a mother to ask: "now what are ya gonna do?" So, I decided in a fury of changes to go for it finally and go to school. So I am in the process of getting enrolled in OTC (last second as always) and thinking about Physical Therapy. I will get that fulfillment I need and have inside of me to help others, and have good hours for my family, plus make good money! I'm so excited and it seems ever since I made the hardest decisions, nothing but good ones have come my way. Well peeps...I'M TURNIN A NEW LEAF!!!! Join me for the ride cuz it's gonna be amazing and I love you all and want to share it with you! xoxoxo
Deuces (Explicit Version)
13 years ago
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